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Nathaniel 20″~24″

Wherever you are, no matter what the occasion, one of the best feelings is when you receive a complement. Having the privilege of owning something as beautiful as you are, is what every person desires. This is the concept from which my unique one-of-a-kind silk necklaces were born from. I wanted to make a necklace that serves as a wonderful statement piece to a plan outfit, or can add an element of class with something a little more extravagant.

These necklaces are from a small remainder of vintage silks, organic cork material, and an original design.


This “Nathaniel” necklace has a chain pattern with purple, red, and cream throughout. There are two styles of this necklace: 24” adjustable knot, or a 20” fixed length clasp.


Knot style details:
– 24” in length untied.
– Adjustable to your desired length.
– Adorned with metal findings at each end.


Clasp style details:
– 20” in length.
– Non-adjustable length.


General details:
– Color: purple, red, and cream.
– Filled with lightweight cork material.
– Made with vintage and rare silks.


SKU: SN101 Category: Tag:


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